I have some difficult news to share. I’ve decided to reduce 95% of my mobile apps and to switch back to a basic Nokia-ish phone, which means that some incredible things will be let go - Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, etc.

This will mean saying goodbye to incredible software that I worked hard to register and have loved using. I’m deeply sorry for that.

Over the past 3 years, I’ve seen periods of dramatic growth in the number of apps with which I interact. However, I’ve been developing a fear of being without a mobile phone, a condition known as “nomophobia”.

To laser-focus on the real world, I will be prioritizing health, quality time, family, and friends and making several structural changes. I view layoffs as a last resort. Before making this difficult decision, I considered many options (e.g., using time-management apps, temporarily freezing accounts, keeping my phone 3 feet away from my bed), but these didn’t end up working very well.

To some apps that are leaving me: Thank you for working so hard to engage me and get me to spend as much time as possible on you. To some apps: Thank you for selling me products that I don’t necessarily need. To some others: You are awesome, and I will see you on the web app version. To a few: stop recommending MBA programs to me.

A fantastic application should always solve people’s problems instead of creating new ones.

Again, thanks to those of you who are leaving. I would not have realized all of this and reconsidered how to balance technology and life without your hard work.

Sincerely, Joy L