Given n non-negative integers a1, a2, …, an, where each represents a point at coordinate (i, ai). n vertical lines are drawn such that the two endpoints of line i is at (i, ai) and (i, 0). Find two lines, which together with x-axis forms a container, such that the container contains the most water.
Idea 1: Brute force
- Calculate the area of all possible containers S(i, j). Here, S(i, j)=min(i, j)*(j-i).
- We need to use two pointers: i, j. When i=1,j moves from the integer next to i, which is 2, to the end, which is n. Calculate S(i, j)。Then, i moves to the next integer which is 2. j starts from i+1 to n. Repeatedly doing this until i reach n-1.
- We also need a variable to record the max area among all possible S. It’s easy. We set up and initialize maxArea=-1. If we find any S>max,we assign the value of S to maxArea. Otherwise, we don’t change the value of maxArea so that maxArea always stands for the max value among S.
- T(n)=O(n^2). One way to think about it is that we have a nested loop (j nested in i). Another way to think about it is “how many possible containers that n lines can make up, if we pick 2 every time”. We use combination to answer this question: the possible combinations in picking 2 lines from n will be C(n, 2)=n*(n-1)/2=O(n^2).
Idea 2: 2 pointers going inwards
I will reveal the solution first and then analyze and prove it.
- We need to use two pointers i and j. i starts from the 1st integer, j starts from the last integer.
- Then, we calculate the area S(1, n). Here, S(i, j)=min(i, j)*(j-i). (Important) What are the next two integers to form the container? We pick the shorter line between 1 and n, which is min(i, j). Let’s assume i=1 is shorter.
- Then we move the pointer from i=1 to the next integer of i, which is i=2. At the same time, we hold j=n in position, which is the longer one. This time, we use i=2 and j=n to from a new container.
- Calculate the area of the new container.
- Always move the shorter one to the next integer (move towards the center: i moves right-wards, j moves left-wards) and hold the longer one in place to form the new container.
- We also need a variable to record the max area among all possible S. It’s easy. We set up and initialize maxArea=-1. If we find any S>max, we assign the value of S to maxArea. Otherwise, we don’t change the value of maxArea so that maxArea always stands for the max value among S.
- This graph pictures the initialization stage: i < j. From the perspective of i=1, its best choice is j=n among all integers from j=2 to j=n. Why? Because the height of the container that i make up is at most i’s length: if i=1 meets a longer one, the height will still be limited by i’s length; if i meets a shorter one, the height will be even worse. So, among all integers, i’s best strategy is to find the furthest integer, which is n.
- If you understand the above, you understand 3 general properties for any pair(i, j) :
- The shorter one doesn’t have to form containers with any other integers between i and j, since j beats all of them.
- The shorter one may not be the longer one’s best choice.
- The longer one still has the chance to form larger containers with lines in between i and j. So the longer one still needs to search.
- If you understand the above, you are 90% to understand the solution.
- In the solution, the pair(i, j) starts from (1, n). Let’s assume line i=1 is shorter. Then, we abandon i=1 and move the pointer i to the next integer in between i and j, which is i=2, since i=1 has already found its best choice but j=n hasn’t.
- In the next pair (2, n), assume line j=n is shorter, we abandon j=n and move the pointer j to the next integer in between i and j, which is j=n-1, since j=n has found its best choice but i=2 hasn’t.
- We repeat the above steps until two pointers meet. In this way, every integer has found its best choice.
- Why T(n)=O(n)?
- It’s because in pair (1, n), we eliminate n-2 unnecessary comparisons for the shorter one.
- In the second iteration (2, n) or (1, n-1), we eliminate n-3 unnecessary comparisons for the shorter one. ……
- In the second last iteration, we eliminate 1 unnecessary comparison for the shorter one.
- In the last iteration, we eliminate 0 unnecessary comparison for the shorter one.
- In sum, we eliminate m=(n-2)+(n-3)+…+2+1 unnecessary comparisons from C(n, 2)=n*(n-1)/2. The actual comparisons that we implemented are C(n, 2)-m which is n-1.
- Another way to interpret this T(n)=n-1 is that, we have implemented n-1 iterations. That means, we have calculated the area for n-1 containers. Why? Think about an easy scenario when n is the longest line among all. Then the iterations go from (1, n) to (n-1, n) because j=n never changes its place. In this scenario, we move i from 1 to n-1 so there are n-1 iterations in total.