
Puzzle link


The idea is that, when we are looking at each number, we have 2 options:

  • include it, or
  • not include it

The graph for this algorithm is a binary tree where the left branch represents “with” this number and the right branch represents “without” this number. Therefore no for loop is needed.

def subsets(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
    res = []
    def dfs(index, path):
        if index == len(nums):
        dfs(index + 1, path + [nums[index]]) # with nums[index]
        dfs(index + 1, path) # without nums[index]

    dfs(0, [])
    return res

Note: I’d not call this approach as backtracking because by using backtracking we usually have to prune partial solutions according to the definition on wiki. In this problem, it doesn’t prune any partial solutions - it just simply includes all combinations.


Why came up with this solution? Actually it’s not very hard to think of if you have considered how many possible subsets in total. Given a list of length of n, the answer is 2^n. Because for every element, there are two options: to include it in the subset or not. Therefore there will be in total 2*2*...*2*2 subsets.

When we see the pattern like 2^n, we think of binary tree/dfs/backtracking…whatever you call it, and every single leave will be a unique subset. The left-most leaf is when we include all numbers so it will be a full list, while the right-most leaf is when we exclude all numbers so it will be an empty list.

The patter of the binary tree reminds us to use dfs. That’s how I got started at least.

Another way to code

Simply replace return with an if...else... statement. By using either return or using else, we garentee that it will be able to terminate the recursion. If return or else is missing, it will call dfs() forever and never ends, which is bad.

def subsets(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
    res = []
    def dfs(index, path):
        if index == len(nums):
            dfs(index + 1, path + [nums[index]]) # with nums[index]
            dfs(index + 1, path) # without nums[index]

    dfs(0, [])
    return res

Common mistakes

path.append() returns None so the path argument in dfs(index, path) will be None when it’s get called.

# This is wrong
def subsets(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
    res = []
    def dfs(index, path):
        if index == len(nums):
            dfs(index + 1, path.append(nums[index])) # this returns None
            dfs(index + 1, path)

    dfs(0, [])
    return res

Note: This article was originally published here.